DJ Drone


Project Glossary

Admin Interface - A display of the operation of all drones inside the event. Can be used to maually direct drones.

Air Traffic Controller - The controller software that handles the job assignment and flight path of each drone.

Collision Avoidace - A method implemented by developers to handle large fleets of drones and have them avoid colliding with one another.

Drone - A small, dextrous quadcopter able to quickly fly through the air to specific locations and lift a small payload.

Event - A gathering of people at a certain place where a DJ Drone system is installed.

Event Boundary - The boundary in which DJ Drone is allowed to perform in.

GPS - Global Positioning System

HTTP - A request response protocol that allows for a client web app to communicate with a a server by sending an HTTP request.

mplayer - A custom python wrapper that provides functions for getting playback progress, song data, etc. from a python script.

MySQL - A fast open source database. Reliable backend for storing data to be pulled from each of the components of a project.

Rasberry PI - A budget computer able to run an OS and act as the controller for a drone set-up, store data like music files to be used by the drone set-up, and communicate between the drone and the MySQL database.

RTL - A drone's return-to-land command, which is automatically given in the event of GPS lost of low battery. The drone will attempt to land in the closest safe area.

Song Request - A directive from the user to fly to a certain location and play a song.

UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Web Application - Client-server software application in which the client interface is run in a web browser.