DJ Drone


User Application

The DJ Drone User App takes advantage of AngularJS 2 to build a fast and responsive web application, and communites to our MySQL drone database with HTTP/PHP. The webpage can be opened from both browser and mobile and interacts seemingly directly with the drone database.

The web application pulls song details from the drone database through HTTP GET from a PHP application and displays those details accordingly in a list on the webpage. Selecting a song will take you to more robust details of the song as well as an option to submit a request for the song.

By submitting a request for the song, an HTTP POST command sends the song data to a PHP application, which in turn queues a job into the appropriate database for the organizer to access and assign to drones.

The web application was designed with soft aesthetics and simplicity in mind. The code is written in a very modular manner so that it can be recycled and reused. The webapp could easily be taken out and integrated into another project without deeply changing the structure of the app itself.