Jane Cleland-Huang, PhD. Professor

Dr. Jane Cleland-Huang is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana where she teaches in the area of Software Engineering. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Prior to her involvement in academia, Dr. Cleland-Huang worked in industry as a software developer.
She is currently director of the
Software and Requirements Engineering research group and serves as North American Director of the Center of Excellence for Software Traceability.
She has served as PI on grants worth over $7 Million. Dr. Cleland-Huang previously served as Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions
on Software Engineering, and on the Editorial Board of IEEE Software. She continues to serve on the Editorial Board of Springer-Verlag's
Requirements Engineering Journal and as Chair of the IFIP 2.9 Working group on Requirements Engineering. She is Program co-Chair of the 2020
International Conference on Software Engineering.
Her research focuses on Safety Assurance for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) with an emphasis in software and system traceability, safety assurance
-- especially the evolution of safety cases in fast-paced incremental development environments, and runtime monitoring of Non-Functional Requirements.
She is the lead researcher on the Dronology project -- a system for managing and monitoring the flights of semi-autonomous small Unmanned Aerial
Systems (sUAS) which is designed as a research incubator for Software Engineering research in the CPS domain. As part of that project she is involved
in Smart and Connected Communities (SCC) research and is working closely with the South Bend Fire Department to co-design a system, DroneResponse,
in which sUAS serve as full-mission partners for emergency response scenarios.