
First International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Requirements Engineering

@RE14 Karlskrona, Sweden

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The program is online now. Check it out!

AIRE Overview

The purpose of this workshop is to explore synergies between Artificial Intelligence and Requirements Engineering in order to identify complex RE problems that could benefit from the application of AI techniques. Given the current sparsity of AI techniques applied within the RE research community, this workshop will include a keynote that lays the foundations for challenges in our domain as well as interactive presentations from RE researchers who are in early stages of adopting AI techniques.

Specific topics of interest may include:

All submitted papers are expected to clearly show their application to an RE related problem. Anticipated outcomes include increased awareness of the kinds of problems that exist in RE which might be solved by AI techniques, a list of open challenges, and a venue for researchers already engaged in such work to discuss and advance their work. We anticipate this workshop as launching a new community of researchers within the RE conference.

We note that this workshop focuses around AI techniques and not around any particular area of RE. One of the distinct goals of the workshop is to therefore to identify areas of RE in which AI adoption could be beneficial.