
TraceLab represents a community project do develop instrumentation that advances and supports traceability research. TraceLab provides a library of reusable trace algorithms and utilities, a benchmarked repository of trace-related datasets, tasks, metrics, and experimental results, a plug-and-play environment for conducting trace-related experiments, and predefined experimental templates representing common types of empirical traceability experiments. The delivered instrument will facilitate the application of traceability solutions across a broad range of software engineering activities including requirements analysis, architectural design, maintenance, reverse engineering, and IV&V (independent verification and validation) or V&V activities.

If you are interested in using the latest version of TraceLab please download from our Github repository. TraceLab is currently released only for Windows; however, a multi-platform version is coming soon.

SAREC Researchers

  • Jane Cleland-Huang (DePaul)
  • Jane Huffman Hayes (University of Kentucky)
  • Collin McMillan (University of Notre Dame)
  • Denys Poshyvanyk (William and Mary) /li>

For further information on this project visit the Center of Excellence for Software and Systems Traceability